My Yoga Journey

My Yoga Journey

I took my first yoga class 11 years ago with one of my Aunt’s and I remember saying two things after class.  First, I never sweat so much in my life and second, that was amazing!  After that, I had taken a few classes here and there, and took yoga as an elective in college (winning, I know).  It wasn’t until about 5 years ago, after I graduated college, that I found Citizen Yoga in Royal Oak, MI.  I remember attending a class the opening week and from that moment I knew it was going to be a place I call home.  I immediately felt welcomed and part of their new community.  I still didn’t practice as consistent as I would’ve liked due to being broke having just gotten out of college.  Eventually, I started practicing on a regular basis, I found myself craving yoga.  Not only the physical aspect of yoga, but for my sanity as well.  We’ve all been in a rut in some point or another – for me this practice was my saving grace. 

A couple years ago I started working at Citizen Yoga, as if I couldn’t get enough.  I loved my job there so much, I forgot I got paid, how amazing is that?  I took the job as a second or third job (if you know me, you know I have multiple jobs at all times haha).  I took the job to be surrounded by the amazing people in this community more often.  Everyone that comes in the studio is supportive, loving, smiley, friendly and genuinely care about you.  They are truly a second family to me. 

When I worked there I saw multiple teacher training groups come and go, deep down wishing I could; 1. Have the guts to do TT and 2. Afford it.  After months or maybe even a year went by, I decided to pull the trigger and do it.  Most important sentence right here friends…TEACHER TRAINING WAS THE BEST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE!  If you are reading this and have been pondering your RYT 200, please do it, you won’t regret it.  Even if you have no intentions of teaching, it is a great way to deepen your practice on many levels.  I can only speak for my training, which was amazing; unfortunately but fortunately they are not all the same.  My training was alignment based and incorporated the understanding of physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual practices. The anatomy, poses, sequencing and all things physical was great, but what I really loved was the philosophy.  For once in my life, I realized I wasn’t alone.  We shared more than I expected, we listened, we supported, we touched each other (sometimes in weird places), we laughed (a lot), we cried (also a lot) and I gained 30+ best friends.  Ah, teary eyed over here – I miss you Kula!

A couple months after I graduated, I decided to continue my education by doing the apprenticeship program which was 9 weeks.  I chose to apprentice to help bridge the gap between student and teacher.  The hardest part of the training for me was messaging, probably because that’s what mattered most to me in my personal practice. I constantly over think things and doubt myself, my biggest worry is that no-one will relate or understand what I’m saying.  Overcoming my inner critic takes confidence and practice, which has been something I have been working on for years, unfortunately there is no magical cure.  When a teacher puts you on the spot and says teach in-front of a full classroom, during THEIR class, you try not to pass out and face your fears.  As much as I hated these moment, I can now look back and recognize those moments that helped me grow as a teacher and I am grateful for all of it.  I am currently in the process of finishing up my 300 RYT through Citizen Yoga as well. I could go on and on about training, but I won't - please reach out to me directly if you have any questions about my training experience or anything else! 

I am still in a place in my life where I don’t know what the future holds for me and that is ok. I am not doing what society says I should be doing based on my age, sex, etc.  That is ok too, because who gives a shit what society says. I know as long as I have my yoga practice, this balance between body and mind, I have enough and I am enough.

Here are some final thoughts that I remind myself of, because I am not a perfect person and neither are you: 

  • Yoga is not about nailing a pose, it is what you learn through your journey there.

  • Breathe. Breathe deep. Feel something, anything. Let something go. Breathe something in.

  • Be present. Focusing on the past or future cause’s anxiety, you only have control of the present so why not be with it.

  • Be patient with yourself, listen to your body, know your limits and accept them – you are where you’re supposed to be.

  • Your body is your temple, honor it. Nourish it.

  • Self-care is not selfish, don’t let anyone lead you to believe otherwise. You deserve time for you.

  • Love yourself, because if you don’t, no one else can.

With Love,

Anayat ❤

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