Chakra Yoga Series


Thank you for joining me on this journey! Below you will find 7 pre-recorded yoga classes ranging from 30-40 minutes including an all-levels yoga flow with proper alignment guidance, modifications, pose breakdown, prop usage, breath work, meditation, and mudras relating to each chakra.

Tip: Yoga blocks, books or water bottle for balancing props are helpful throughout all classes. Also, practicing near a wall can also offer great support during your asana practice.


Please note: Recordings do not include background music, I encourage you to let your breath to be your music. If you want to play music, that’s great too! Here is a suggested playlist while you flow!


Root Chakra Yoga Flow

This class is focused on the root chakra, Muladhara. Used to help ground, find stability, safety, security and survival. Take this class to help ground and come back to your nature.


Sacral Chakra Yoga Flow

This class is focused on the sacral chakra, Svadhisthana. Used to help open the portal of sexuality, creativity, pleasure, desire and come back to self. Take this class when you need inspiration, creativity, to re-connect to yourself.


Solar Plexus Chakra Yoga Flow

This class is focused on the solar plexus chakra, Manipura. Used to help us step into our personal power with strength, confidence and courage. Take this class when you need to be reminded of your power and confidence to step out into the world living your truth.


Heart Chakra Yoga Flow

This class is focused on the heart chakra, Anahata. This chakra represents compassion, caring, love, joy and expression. Take this class when you’re experiencing lower energy, having trouble expressing your heart, or lack empathy.


Throat Chakra Yoga Flow

This class is focused on the throat chakra, Vishuddha. Used to help open communication, express how we feel, and speak our truth. Take this class when you’re having trouble expressing feelings, vocalizing how you feel, or having a hard time listening.


Third Eye Chakra Yoga Flow

This class is focused on the third eye chakra, Ajna. Used to help open the third eye, the portal to your wisdom, intuition and imagination. Take this class when you’re feeling disconnected from your intuition, lacking imagination or feeling stuck.


Crown Chakra Yoga Flow

This class is focused on the crown chakra, Sahasrara. Used to connect to source energy, universal consciousness, spirituality, and mindful awareness. Take this class when you’re feeling ungrounded, disconnected to spirituality and lack of self-awareness.