Yacht Week Tips

First timer Yacht Week tips:

-Hire a hostess to cook for you, it is worth it.  The last thing you want to be doing on your vacation is spending time below deck cooking when there’s so much to see. The hostess does grocery shopping for you, this isn’t their first rodeo, they’ve got this.

-When filling out the alcohol list, get more than you think - you end up sharing with your new friends.

-There is an additional Kitty pot of money that includes, port fees, gas, etc - plan on $100 per person.

-There are payment options for booking the yacht itself, it’s not all due at once.

-Drink a lot of water, you’re constantly in the sun.  Electrolyte packets are great too.

-You have to pay for your skipper and hostess at meals.  We took turns paying the entire bill and used the Splitwise app to reconcile at the end, this made it super easy.

-It is not as glamorous as it sounds at times, the yachts have “showers” but they aren’t showers.  You end up showering off the back of the boat with a hose, you learn to get comfortable with people real quick.

-Get a yacht with air con, you’ll have a hard time sleeping if you don’t.  

-Flushing the toilet is an arm workout - 10 pumps to the left, 10 to the right.  Do yourself a favor and commit to the flush, stanky boats are not cool.

-Charging phones and other devices is challenging because the generator isn’t always on.  Invest in a good portable charger.

-Doing your hair IS possible if you have a strong enough converter.  I suggest just owning your salty hair!

-Though I was terrible at using my GoPro, it is definetely worth bringing one.

-There is a photographer on the route and you have access to all of his pictures within a week!

-Create a playlist for your yacht and make sure someone brings a speaker.

-If you plan to reserve tables for parties, factor in an additional $80 per person per table. 

-Leave your heels at home.

-Wear sunscreen, be smart. 

-If you get seasick, prepare accordingly - meds, bands, oils, etc.  If you get seasick really bad, I’ll be honest - don’t go.

-Greece route is considered mid-pace route, there are still plenty of parties and self exploring.  I wouldn’t have survived Croatia, which is a face-paced route.

-There are a ton of recycled floats when you arrive, no need to pack one and take up space.

-Again, parties are optional - it is OK to skip and explore!  Though I thought the Greece route had a perfect balance of parties and exploring. 

-Join TYW crew finder Facebook page to look for open spaces or fill your boat.  You can also book a “cabin” with one other person if you don’t have enough people to fill an entire yacht.

-Download the Day 8 app closer to your trip to stay informed and see your itinerary. You can also stay in contact with everyone that went on your route after TYW.

-Soft suitcases only so they can be stowed away and take up less space. Space is VERY limited.

-Come with energy and step out of your comfort zone!  You have the opportunity to connect with people from all over the world, it is truly an amazing experience.

Please reach out with questions, I’d love to help!

Anayat ❤