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Retreats are a carefully curated experience that offer inner work, release, healing, adventure, connection, play + deep transformation while being immersed in a beautiful location. On Retreat you get to connect with likeminded humans who are walking the path alongside you, reminding you that you are not alone and we are much more alike than we realize. You get to take home the elevated + more embodied version of you, PLUS a whole bunch of new soul connections.

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Life Coaching

This is for the woman who desires connection with themselves, relearning of who they are, stepping into their personal power, making conscious choices from an empowered place vs fear, living from a place of freedom and feeling alive, ready to experience self-love and acceptance of who they are, ready to trust and embody a new way of being.


photo by @evandavieswed // @iamevandavies


photo by: @roushphotography


Yoga has been a part of my life for over 13 years. I am RYT-500, but forever a student at heart. I am always looking to deepen my practice and learn more about the yogic traditions.  This practice offers incredible benefits to the physical, energetic and emotional bodies, all meant to be explored throughout this precious thing called life. I am so grateful to share this practice and guide others.



Traveling is a huge part of my life as it forces me to step out of my comfort zone and take what is foreign to familiar.  It allows me to live a more conscious life with heightened senses, being aware of everyone and everything around me.  I am excited and blessed, some of my biggest journeys are yet to unfold.


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